Wednesday, 15 April 2020

New rider here with my first bike: a 2014 Honda CTX700N DCT

Obligatory motorcycle pictures:’ve been wanting to start riding for quite some time now, but being 6’ 7”, I wasn’t sure if I would find something comfortable for me without being too huge of a bike for a first time rider. I personally also wanted something stupid easy to ride that could be great for commuting, and that meant ideally a bike with an automatic. Did some research on automatic bikes and stumbled upon the CTX700.Ended up finding one with 11k miles on Craigslist for $3k in decent shape. First and only owner had plastidipped all the fairings flat black, installed some LED light pods right through the radiator covers, and installed an HID kit that worked only half the time. I removed it all and it’s back to stock, except for the shorty exhaust. Sounds pretty good, so I’m leaving it.From what I can tell, there are not a ton of CTX700 riders out there. Seems that most are owned and ridden by older folks who wanted something easy to ride. Maybe at 26 I'm the youngest CTX700 owner out there, who knows.A friend of my S.O. is a certified MSF instructor and spent a weekend teaching us both how to ride. It was also really cool to be able to learn on my own bike. After that, I went and picked up my motorcycle permit, some new gear, and have been riding in the evenings and on the weekends. I’ve only ridden 300 miles so far since I can’t legally ride on any freeways yet with the permit, so I’m stuck riding around town only. However, I can honestly say I’m in love with this bike already and will be spending a lot of time riding this summer.Going to try to get my endorsement soon once the MVDs don’t throw a fit when I try to schedule a skills test. Then I can finally venture out further. via /r/motorcycles

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