Thursday 24 October 2019

Selling bikes after a road-trip

Hey guys,So here's the deal, we're 3 Dutch blokes who are planning to do a road-trip across the US next summer. The plan is to fly to New York where each person goes out to buy a 2nd hand motorcycle, Top Gear style if you like. We then have a little over 3 weeks to ride all the way across the country to eventually end up in LA where we would sell the bikes again and catch a plane back home. The question on our mind right now is: How easy would it be to get rid of our bikes once we're done with em? Do dealers accept bikes when you're not buying anything new? Selling em to dealers would have our preference over something like trying to get rid of them via Craigslist or something like that for all the obvious reasons. Would love to hear from you guys what you think or what you would do if you were planning something like this. via /r/motorcycles

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