Monday 9 March 2020

Notes From My First Trackday at Little Tally

First trackday ever! Here are some of the notes I have taken about my day. Any input would be great!Bike&Rider: 2018 ZX6R stock w/preload set, HH sintered front, and organic rear pad. 9.2k mi 4 months riding time.Front travel was down to 1/4"-3/8" from bottom. I was jumping over the rumble strip on the second to last corner. That could've thrown off what I was seeing. On the local mountian road I usually use the bottom 2/3 of travel (1 5/16"-1 3/8" from bottom)First afternoon session no TC, front and rear tire were pilot power tires with street pressures. Second lap on first session on the exit of turn 2 the rear end spun with knee down, almost caused a high side. I had applied some maintenance throttle after trail braking into the turn before getting really low. I was slowly rolling on as I was picking the bike up. About 1/4 up is when I spun. I learned what a rear end slide feels like now lol. There were lots of things I couldve done to not make that happen. I should've given the tire a little longer to warm up, also I should've been less greedy with the throttle. Tire went from brand new to no more tread on the left side.Next session I ran a Power Cup 2 rear tire and left the front alone. Michelin tire tech put the rear at 25 and the front at 30. I ran TC setting 2 until I got more confidence in the tire and myself (1 session).4th session after one warm-up lap I used TC setting 1. I was trail brakeing heavily in almost every corner except turn 3 where my braking effort wasn't as hard as the other turns. I continued to run TC setting 2 until after my warm-up lap. I would ride at 7/10 for the first lap to give the rubber a fighting chance.The front tire felt okay, however I felt less confident in the tire after losing the rear on my first afternoon session.Next trackday I'm going to run a Q4 front and burn what's left on my Power Cup 2 before changing the rear out for a Q4. via /r/Trackdays

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