Monday, 2 March 2020

How do I tell my friends to stop pushing me to ride overly aggressive?

I’m new to motorcycles. Like NEW to motorcycles. A couple weeks ago I bought a brand new Yamaha Bolt, went to the DMV, and got my permit, and taught myself how to ride. I’ve done about 150 miles since, and decided I was ready to ride with friends. My friends ride Liter sport bikes, and love to tear it up, all power to them. However, they’re getting on me about not keeping up with them on the twisties as I trail behind on my 942cc cruiser.I basically don’t want to stop riding with them, but I want them to understand we’re riding for very different reasons. I’m cruising to relax and clear my mind, they’re riding for the rush. When I tell them this, they basically are telling me to just open up the throttle and keep up. Pretty much I’m at the point where I’m going to just let them know i prefer to ride alone at this point. These guys are doing triple digits in 35mph zones and I just can’t justify doing that, and I don’t even think my bike could.Has anyone ever had to not ride with specific people due to this kind of thing? via /r/motorcycles

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