Wednesday, 30 October 2019

How do I not layerdown while rain braking?

Hey guys, 22yr old living in AL, USA. I ride a Yamaha XV250 virago, which I got at the start of July, since then, I have laid her down thrice. I am comfortable with this fact, but I am trying to not make it four times just too soon. Once was in the dry, when I took an intersection too steep and learned I wasn’t on a sport bike. I now know the location of my foot pegs. The second tjme was one of my first times rain riding, my dumb ass grabbed a handful of front brake, the front wheel washed out on me. Today - the second slip and slide - I started with a bit of rear brake, added in front brake, and gradually applied pressure to both. I BELIEVE my error was favoring the rear break too much, as this wheel washed out first, and as it gradually came out from under me, I lost the front wheel, and then drank some rain water. It should be noted this was a soaked, 5/10 condition road, with an active drizzle after 12h of rain.Sorry if this is a mess of a post, busy day. Basically what I’m trying to say is. Busy day. Grab front brake = bad. Little bit of rear, little bit of front, increase both, bad??? But... if I start with some rear, allow the weight to shift forward, and then... do I keep the rear brake on or release it? And once I do, I would then begin to favor the front brake? Because all the weight is there now ergo the stopping power? via /r/motorcycles

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