Sunday 12 May 2019

Ural CT suitability for handicapped passenger?

Long story short, have a brother who is handicapped with cerebral palsy that always comments on how jealous he is of my motorcycle riding. Was looking for a sidecar motorcycle that would be suitable to go adventuring with him, provided he is able to sit in it. He doesn't know I'm cooking this up, I'm hoping by the time next April rolls around I can have one cooked up for a birthday adventure.He has little to no leg control, and limited hand control. I physically lift him into cars and position his legs so he can maneuver into the seats. He's 6'2" (187cm), 200lb (90kg).I'd need a sidecar that doesn't have the kyak type entry (top hole only), and is comfortable enough for his build. He is able to hold himself upright reasonably well front to back, but still leans over side to side, so there needs to be little/no risk of falling out the side either. Preferably the sidecar could have a windshield added to keep road debris from him (he will be wearing a full face, but I worry about his neck)Does anyone own a ural or have any experience with them, specifically the sidecar, that can give me any details on how suitable this would be, or able to give me recommendations on a motorcycle+sidecar that would fit my needs?Edit: I'd probably purchase the ural gear up, rather than the CT, but I wouldn't be taking him off road because if we would break down, I worry about getting him home without a vehicle... via /r/motorcycles

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