Thursday 13 September 2018

Stupid people everywhere today

This post has been made a thousand times, but I just need to vent a bit. I almost got hit twice today and it’s really pissing me off. First time I pull up to a four way stop on my lunch break ride. A trucks coming up the opposite street pretty quickly, so I wait a bit. Doesn’t slow down, doesn’t stop just blows through a 4-way on his phone. Second time just now. I go out for a quick afternoon ride and I get to a four way, I see a van come up and stop across from me. It’s just me and the van I make sure they stop and I start to turn left. They floor it and I grab for the brakes. I stop in time and they blow right by me, no eye contact, no apologetic wave, no phone, nothing. I look down and see my turn signal was definitely on and working. (I also checked them before the ride). I’m just kind of shaking with anger so I just ride the block or two home. Friggin people man. Hope y’all had better luck than I did today and here’s to a safe ride tomorrow. via /r/motorcycles

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