Wednesday 23 October 2019

Unnecessary overtaking & ignoring speed limits

I got my motorcycle license on August 1st. Since then i rode over 3.000km already. What i usually encounter/noticed on my rides to work/from work or randomly on a sunday afternoon is, that i get either overtaken by other riders or see ridiculously unnecessary maneuvers.It is totally ok if you pass me, but is that really necessary if i go 120km/h in a 100km/h zone already? This is nothing that bothers me, but something i don't really understand and i wanted to hear other opinions about. Do speed limits really mean nothing to you at all?Another scenario, that i often encounter, would be the constant need to overtake a bigger lane only because you could go 'faster' than others. Let's say you going 70km/h in a 100km/h zone because there is a bigger truck 'slowing others down'. 2-3 cars behind it. *Other rider approaches and overtakes me, the other cars and the truck* What if one of the other car's want to overtake too. What if there is coming traffic your way on the other side of the lane and you need to stop the actual overtake. There is often zero space to get between the cars, causing the other cars to break only because you had to do such an risky overtake. I'd rather stay behind cars and wait until its my turn to overtake other than risking to get involved in a crash. Also you need to break the speed limit by far to actually 'making it'. I'm way to scared to loose my freshly obtained license by such things to be honest.Im riding my motorcylce like a would ride my car.Am i alone with this kinda mindset? via /r/motorcycles

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