Sorry if this doesn’t belong here. I am new to motorcycles and I love it, Ive been riding for less than a year now and I’ve had 3 accidents, one was a parking lot drop on my second day of having a licence (no big deal), the second one was 6 months later, I flew over the handle bars (that one hurt but no major damage) and the third one was a low side because I had cold tires and the pavement was slightly wet (fractured my ankle on that one). Well after the third accident everyone in my life is telling me to quit motorcycle and I really don’t want to but at the same time I think I may die if I keep going.I need some advise from someone that has been in the same position as I am now. Would u continue if you were me and if so what would u change or would you just quit while you have the option.I know every accident could of been avoided if I took more care and was smarter with my decision but as you probably guessed, everyone keeps saying none of those accidents would of happened if I was in a car and they are right.Thanks if you read this, I really need some advise on this matter. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/fl5sbj/should_i_continue_to_ride_need_advise_form_people/?utm_source=ifttt
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