Sunday 29 March 2020

One Year Ago, I almost lost my life.... (March 30, 2019), one year ago, my buddy n I went out on a Saturday motorcycle ride. It wasn't far in when things didn't go very well. From what I've gathered, the rear brake on my F4i locked up, either due to me while starting to go into a turn or due to mechanical failure. The first two pics show the aftermath of the accident. I do not recall what happened, nor the month n a half after that. My right ulna was broke in 2 places, one near my elbow. My right femur in 3 places. Same with the tibia. Needless to say, there is a lot of titanium / stainless steel in my body to tie all the bones back together. My left knee had 3 ligaments broke. All of those were replaced in October. Other things... I lost function of a kidney due to a blood clot, and my bladder was punctured due to a hip fracture. There's still more... aortic pseudoaneurysm, the two weeks in the ICU not being good with the folks and others not knowing if I would make it, then the last 2 weeks in the hospital I crash landed back into ICU due to pneumonia... Oh, and the helicopter ride to the hospital.I've been thru a lot in the last year, but I'm still here to speak and raise some hell. If you have any questions, let me know! via /r/motorcycles

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