typical day, good weather, had a group ride planned to hawks nest and it was gonna be glorious..last minute i realized the timing wouldn't work out for me as i had to prepare for work later that day, so i told my buddies to just continue on without me. they rode and halfway to hawks nest a good friend of mine crashed.no one knows how fast he was going or what caused it, but his new supersport s completely totaled.he pushed his luck, he is now in ICU, under induced coma with tubes coming out from every which direction. luckily he had a pretty good helmet on, and his airbag vest deployed.. but he has been unconscious for about a week now.i never thought it would happen in our little group of riders as we started off on groms and never thought something like this was gonna happen, what were the chances i asked myself...well it happened, and we can only move forward.the saddest part about it is not even his family can visit him, he is in there alone, without company or visitors due to being located in the hospital with lots of covid patients.i wish ya the best bud. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/fpsaic/it_happened_and_i_wasnt_there_for_it/?utm_source=ifttt
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