Wednesday, 6 November 2019

I crashed, bikers helped

A few weeks ago I was riding around Manchester (it was raining, naturally) slightly lost and looking for my mates house. A car in front slammed on and I saw it too late, locked my front wheel and slid my bike.The car in front just buggered off immediately, cars around me carried on as normal, a biker came round from the other side of the road to block traffic and help me up whilst a couple of pedestrians helped getting my bike off the road. Once we were off the road they chatted to me, calmed me down, helped me check the damage to myself and the bike.The biker who blocked the road for me told me about her own crashes and gave me a smoke before riding with me the rest of my journey to make sure I was cool, I was a bit woozy and I've forgotten her name but a massive thanks to her for that! IAlso got 3 stitches in the knee, wear pads people. via /r/motorcycles

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