Monday, 20 January 2020

Test rode my buddies blackbird yesterday... I can see why these have a cult following now.

I'm gonna start this buy saying I have been riding dirt bikes for a long time, got my first yz125 when I was 12 and I have been riding them ever since. The start of october at the ripe age of 24, I decided to get my license. picked up a little rv125 for 600 and sold it a few weeks later for double the profit. Picked up a cm400t for 900 and sold it a couple weeks later for again... double. Got a 2000 sportster 883 in parts for 700, put a used NRHS 1200 kit on it and have had fun ever since. I love my sportster, but it is sketchy, really sketchy. This blackbird is now making me want to sell my beloved, for something not sketchy with good brakes. My close friend owns this blackbird, he was the one that finally convinced me to start street riding. It is a beautiful motorcycle and by far the most complete motorcycle I have ever ridden. Wanna go fast? hold on. Wanna cruise at 60? It can do that too. Tight u turns? Very stable. When I showed up at his house I had no intention of riding, he is more of a let's party and have fun type of guy. If you don't have one of those friends, you need one. I show up to party and the first thing he says to me is "you've been riding for a while, hop on the bird". I quickly say "hell no dude, that thing is gonna kill me" "Nah man it's a very easy to ride bike, if you keep the revs low she will treat you right, just don't go above 6k and you'll be fine" "nah man, it's not my bike, i dont want to drop it or crash it" "you won't it's very predictable and the weight you wont even notice, it's actually a lot easier bike to ride then your harley(this guys been riding forever so I let him ride everything)". That is how I ended up sitting on a blackbird with only 3 months of street experience.Riding position: I really thought this thing would be uncomfortable. Boy I was wrong. Yes it has rearsets and clip ons, but the seating position is very elongated and not cramped at all. I am 6'4" and had plenty of room. I could ride this thing for hours.Test ride: I start in 1st, I shift pretty quickly to 2nd to keep revs low because I am still scared of this thing. Stop sign, neutral then stop. Decide I want to start in 2nd. Bike doesn't care. Fuel injection helps low end torque he tells me later. Hydraulic clutch feels amazing. Turn right on a backroad, speed limit 45. 2nd gear cruising around 4k at 50. Still very pleasant. shift to 3rd for lower revs. I am getting comfortable with it. See the on ramp for the freeway. I ask myself how hard am I gonna push it. Not very, it's not my bike, but let's rev out 2nd a bit on the on ramp... shift down to 2nd and turn right on the on ramp. no one in sight. give er the old right hand. 3k4k5k go by quiiick. First i4 iv'e ridden. see 6k coming up and DADADADADADADADA. rear tire comes loose and redline happens. I am now scared shitless of this thing again, but she is weirdly stable even burning out. Shift to 3rd then 4th, gotta back off. gonna cruise back, wait am I doing 90? I'm in 4th sub 1k doing 90? that's weeeird. Down shift to 3rd, brakes are very linear and very strong, doing 60 now. she feels light at 60, I could cruise here forever. Shit, there goes my exit, oh well. I kinda like this bike. Next exit coming, got off the freeway, gonna get on again for the other way. let's try a 3rd roll on. 1k... 2k..3k.4k5k6WTF789k120FUCKTHIS. JESUS. 120mph in 3rd? Wow. Luckily I am in the middle of bum fuck nowhere and there isn't a soul in sight, Jesus this thing is quiiiick. slow down in 3rd just in time for my exit. Cruise in 2nd towards his house, miss the street, damn I really should have directions up. Next street I turn into. Do a u-turn for to go back the other way. A bit large of a turning radius but not too big and she is still stable and smooooth. pull up back in his driveway grinning ear to ear. "I love this bike, how much?" "not gonna happen, how'd it go?" I proceed to tell him everything, he laughs at me and calls me stupid. I know I am stupid and it's a very bad idea, but now all I can think about is owning one. It is such a pleasant touring bike if you keep the revs low, and she will take care of you. but she is adrenaline pumping scary the higher you go, and you get there super quick... gonna go ride it again soon. I think I am in love. via /r/motorcycles

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