Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Got my first motorcycle a used ninja 300 2 days ago and already in love with it. I also already had one close call. Didn't post earlier because I was so busy spending hours at home insurance hunting and having fun riding (safely).

https://m.imgur.com/a/yIdnZlz Already plan on taking it everywhere I go and can't wait to mod it up to my liking. (Tank bags, phone mount, rear lights , etc)Yesterday, I had one close call and had to emergency brake. I used both brakes and had to quickly stop at a light. As I was driving the light turned yellow and I had about a second to decide if I should brake or not from 45 mph(speed limit). I decided I can make it so I wouldn't be forced to brake hard. It's a local street I driven thousands of time on a car so i was familiar with how slightly longer the yellow light is. A split second later as I was about to speed up a bit I noticed a impatient driver turning left from the left from the light (Still yellow on my side). I'm assuming it's because all the cars on his side stopped/slowing the moment it turned yellow. I don't know. I was so fixated on just his car and the light at that moment. Thankfully when I took the msf course I let them know I had concerns with braking and they helped give me pointers. They let me know if my back tire ever skids on a hard stop don't let off the rear brake. If it wasn't for that I probably would have dumped it on my second day. I felt my back tire skid for about 20 to 40 feet and my front tire just passed the solid white line halfway. As I stopped I caught my breath, looked up and it was still yellow. The car turning braked slightly but then sped off. I was proud of myself but still can't believe it happened on my second day. Not sure if I was being careless trying to run a yellow light while still learning or if it was just a series of events leading up to it that moment. I can say I feel more confident braking then when I took the msf course. This afternoon I'm going to go to a large empty parking lot and practice for about an hour or two. I'm also glad the msf course drilled it into our heads to look as far as we can while we're traveling and to always expect the unexpected. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/ei2hnc/got_my_first_motorcycle_a_used_ninja_300_2_days/?utm_source=ifttt

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