Friday, 6 December 2019

[California] Question regarding underinsured/uninsured motorist insurance

So i'm shopping around for motorcycle insurance and I notice most people are saying that getting uninsured motorist insurance is a no brainer, you absolutely need it, etc.However, I just got off the phone with Geico, I have auto/motorcycle insurance with them now. The agent told me that uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance only covers medical expenses, nothing for lost wages or pain or suffering and that I would have to sue for that. I've talked to three separate reps on this and they say the same thing. Also I have pretty great medical insurance, out-of-pocket max of $4k, which I got accident insurance to cover most of that. Also called my medical insurance and asked them specifically about coverage with a motorcycle accident if I had one, and they said they absolutely cover me.So now I'm curious - do I really need that Underinsured/Uninsured motorist insurance? Am I overlooking something? I would not mind paying for it if it's truly important but my rate doubles from $30 to $60 a month with it. via /r/motorcycles

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