Wednesday, 30 October 2019

[I need your opinion] Is it likely I completely wore down my rear brake pads in the first 10,000 Km?

Fellow bikers, please lend your knowledge and experience to a newbie.Last weekend I was riding my motorcycle when I suddenly started feeling some resistance but I did not know where it was coming from. It wasn´t too bad at first but after a few minutes it got worse so I pulled over and noticed my rear brake disc was all scratched up and showing burn marks. My brake pads were carbonized and the caliper was stuck pinching the wheel. I separated it using a flat screwdriver and rode home making sure not to use that brake anymore.On Monday I took the bike to the dealership to have it checked and my only consolation was that the bike is only on its 7th month out of the 3 year warranty. Unfortunately, the dealer´s service manager informed me that the failure occurred because I had completely wore down the brake pads to the point that it was a metal on metal contact and warranty will not cover it.I am a new rider so I don´t have a lot of experience but a couple of seasoned riders have told me 10K is too early to have the pads completely wore down and that maybe the caliper got stuck and that caused the failure. Granted, I understand that it can happen if I was on the rear brake ALL the time but I don´t feel that is the case. This is on a BMW F750GS which I bought brand new back in March. I ride it everyday to and from work on a very boring highway, no curves or anything. I am a somehow passive rider and my cruising speed ranges between 80 to 120 km/h depending on the traffic.One last piece of information, I live in Mexico and the dealer´s reputation across the country is not the best. The service is not great and some fellow riders have told me they have had issues with their shops as well.So now I turn to you for advise, do you think is I completely wore down my rear brake pads? Thanks for your help! via /r/motorcycles

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