Monday 2 September 2019

Went to the Drag Strip

Note : This is going to be long. TLDR at the bottom to not spoil anything.So there is this privately owned 1/8 mile drag strip we went to yesterday. They had their 1st Birthday. This was my first time there and just went for the fun of it as that is the whole point of that strip in the first place.I took my MT09 and lined up for the first run against a Hayabusa, I was so nervous I hit the limiter in first gear and for some reason let of the throttle way before the line. Anyway this was just a learning curve and went for another run.This time I am against this beautiful Suzuki GSXR 1000 2015 model. I had a chat with the owner before we went out. He was so friendly and just an all round nice dude. Now this bike had close to 100 000Km's on the clock but it looked like she just rolled of the showroom floor.So we line up and go. He is ahead of me by a bit, went over the line at around 180kph didn't really check the speedo. The second he touched his brakes, he locked up the front wheel and went down in front of me. This was his first run of the day, but he is no stranger to the strip he rides there every weekend. I braked as hard as I can while looking at him sliding and his bike catapulting over the tires in the distance trying not to hit him as he is coming over to my side while sliding.I stop my bike and even put my hazards on for some reason, probably just out of habit. Ran to him and he is so chilled, obviously in a lot of pain. I just told him to lie still and not move at all until the paramedics can come. I swear I was more stressed than he was. Panicking basically as he became a friend that morning before we went out even told us to go sit under his tent etc.It wasn't long until the paramedics and marshals came blasting down the track, but it felt like an eternity. I know I am not the one who went down, but I believe anyone who has seen something like that happen before their eyes would know the feeling.They took him in the ambulance, but he refused to go to the hospital, eventually the paramedics bandaged him up again and he was walking around a bit and chatting to use again. Really glad he walked away from that. Funny thing is that run put him in second place for the day as well as we were working on time. He did a 6.95 on the 1/8 mile if I remember correctly.​TLDR : Went to a 1/8 mile drag strip. GSXR 1000 went down infront of me on my second run against him. He is fine, some bruises, but bike is destroyed. via /r/motorcycles

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