Sunday 8 September 2019

Justice served!

Should've stopped for a pic-but..I was cruising in the right lane on a 4 land highway, some soccer mom in a white suv is sitting a couple hindered meters down the road at a light waiting to turn right.Naturally, she waits until I'm in front of her to pull out into my lane. I'm near her front bumper when I scoot into the adjacent lane gas it a bit and pull in front of her.Slide back into my original position. If she didn't see me before, maybe seeing me appear out of nowhere will raise her awareness.As I gas it ahead and pull in front, I notice a cop sitting on the right. I check my mirror and sure enough he's hitting his lights. I am going a bit over nowWait-he's pulling soccer mom over. Justice served!I'm sure he lectured her on her awareness levels. It's the first time I've had the luck of seeing someone get checked when they do something silly vs my bike.It was vindicating. via /r/motorcycles

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