Thursday 5 September 2019

Got rear ended in the most gentlest way a few mins ago

So almost 2 years since of almost daily riding. I was kinda anxious how I'll react if I get involved in an accident when on a bike. Finally experienced a super minor accident (involving someone else). I was stuck in traffic and stopped on the driver side (left) lane position. It felt something like dumping the clutch with slight revs on 1st. It was a woman with a child on the front seat.She didn't even realized she hit me or maybe was in denial. Fortunately, i didnt drop the bike. Was able to give it some power to maintain balance since I was just clutched in.Conversation went kinda weirdWoman: Did I hit you?Me: Yes you didWoman: Because you were filtering!Me: ?? We are stopped (points to the stopped traffic ahead of us)Me: Anyway, There's no damage to my bike and I believe you only have some very minor scratches on the bumperWoman: Because you were filtering!! *goes inside her car*Me: We're good?I hopped back to my bike and looked back she gave me the angriest/nervous head nod.I didn't know what else to do so I gave her little kid a thumbs up then went back on my way via /r/motorcycles

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