Friday 6 September 2019

Got Hit Today

Well, it finally happened. Riding in any big city (L.A.) has its mix of road hazards, distracted drivers, shitty drivers, impaired drivers, demons, and folks that are too old to be behind the wheel. Today, it was a woman who decided to make a right turn into a strip mall parking lot from the middle of three lanes! I was in the far right lane. I wasn't even in her blind spot. I do my best to stay out of the blind spot. Regardless, she cut me off and proceeded into the lot. I did my best to reduce my speed, down-shift, and stay upright. Like any accident, it seemed to happen in a flash and in slow motion at the same time. I think I managed to get my left leg outta the way (for the most part), and more importantly, stay upright. The turn signal was smashed, chrome scratched up and/or cracked, and the shift pegs are all bent. I don't know all the internal parts of a bike, so I'm hoping nothing else is jacked up, like the forks, etc. Fortunately, it was near the house. I managed to keep my cool and not yell at her. She apologized and said that it was her fault and she didn't even see me. Yeah, I got that recorded. I don't have a camera hooked up to my bike or helmet (I've been meaning to do it), but I recorded her as she was telling me it. I also had a dude come over and say he was a witness and gave me his contact information. After the adrenaline shakes subsided, I limped back home and called her insurance company. Now I have to drive in shitty L.A. traffic in a car until it's fixed. And even though it was 97 degrees today, I made a promise to my wife to wear "all the gear, all the time." I think that saved my left leg/foot for sure. It obviously could have been a lot worse, my wife got mad at me (you know, the scared kind of mad), and it ultimately will get fixed. I always try to anticipate the crappy driving tendencies of other drivers, but law of frequency finally caught up to me. There's no moral to this story. I just wanted to vent. So much for my planned ride this weekend. Again, I walked away, so I'm cool with that. Stay safe out there, boys and girls. via /r/motorcycles

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