Friday 6 September 2019

Gentle reminder: when riding a new/someone else bike, give it a quick test for emergency low speed braking, and handing.

My bike is in the shop, new forks, service, tune up, tires. A makeover of sorts really, a much deserved and long awaited refresh for the bike I have been riding for years almost exclusively. So they gave me this gs500 and safe to say what a toy, like riding a sofa, no acceleration or powerband, technically the kick is like a slightly higher acceleration around 10k, it only has 14k rpm, weakling brakes that CHOMP and basically sounds like a big 250. I ride a gixxer750 with mods, so in my natural human state I got used to the little thing after a couple of days and almost got killed for my arrogance.It isnt my bike, my riding memory is tuned to my daily, so in my comfort I casually rode at night around 9pm. Enjoying the bouncy suspension through the corners. Going what feels like my casual speed through the same roads i usually blat around on my detour home, testing the lean angles trying to get my knee down (which is hard as that bike has raised handlebars and upright seating.) Then already having had my fun, going down the streets to my domicile, checking corners n shit, dont realise that I am going at my usual speed, which for this thing is more than it can handle safely, which I found out, then and there. I come to a round about, dont leave myself enough space for emergency braking for the bike, but not mine which has twin bembos. Enter the what I see a clear roundabout, and WROOM comes at speed some CUNT and i have to panic emergency brake! BUT GUESS FUCKING WHAT, not my bike, reacts completely differently, the little brakes squeak and lock up i fly forward in the shitty slidey seat my leg catches the fucking road as the bike at speed around 50 starts falling from locked up wheels. I save the bike, no crash, didnt fall, locked up the wheel and saved the day. My leg.....did not fare well though. The impact from catching the bike caused damage, cant really walk atm, few days off work, healing.So stay safe, look out for cunts, and test your "new to you" equipment so you know how it will react in an emergency. ✌✌ 🏍 via /r/motorcycles

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