Saturday 7 September 2019

Bike fires twice then dies, looking for help

I have a 2001 GSX-R1000. I have cleaned the air filter, checked that it had fuel, checked the ignition coils and plugs, and replaced the entire wiring harness. No codes are throwing.A mouse got in my bike and ate the black/white wire running to the dealer mode selector plug. I found this out after it wasn’t starting. I replaced the whole harness because I have already had spliced wires and such and got fed up with it. I can’t seem to figure out why it won’t start. My battery is good I checked that, and the RR and stator are 2-month-old Rick’s Motorsport. At this point I’m not sure if it was the wire that caused it not to start or something else. Anyone have a similar experience? Or some other knowledge I’m unaware of? via /r/motorcycles

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