Thursday, 25 July 2019

Question about the "don't buy a 250-400cc bike" advice for new riders

So, as someone who has ridden for some length of time on bikes from 125cc to 1100cc I am curious about the prevalence of the advice people give to new riders to skip the smaller bikes and go right to a 600+cc moto here in the USA. When new riders ask me, their Rider Coach, what they should get I usually point them to a 250cc bike if they're planning on mostly riding around town and up to a 400cc if they need more highway grunt. The follow up is usually, "But my [insert person here] said I should just skip a bike I'll grow out of in a year or two and get a [600-900cc whatever] to grow into."I usually say something to the effect of "Yeah, you can but you need to ask yourself how well can I control myself to keep the engine RPM low and how hard do you want to work? Bigger bikes have more power, touchier brakes, and are going to require more skill to manage the controls than a smaller bike."Discourse usually concludes with my personal opinion that it is way more fun to ride a smaller bike hard than to rider a bigger bike easy. Then they ask what I have and are surprised that I mostly ride a 500cc standard motorcycle and that it is the biggest bike I currently own.So I have to wonder, where the heck did this "bigger is better for new riders" think come from? via /r/motorcycles

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