Friday, 31 May 2019

Attention people visiting the Isle of man TT - especially international visitors

Every year lots of motorcycles are stolen whilst parked outside the ferry terminals and hotels in England.I'm currently in Liverpool (has quite a reputation from the 1980s of thieves - it's much nicer here now) and I've just witnessed a white/red/blue BMW S1000RR being stolen.I was travelling into Liverpool on a Yamaha Niken when a BMW S1000RR passed me in the opposite direction with no lights on. I then noticed the two bikes following it were pushing it. One looked like a KTM naked, maybe a 1290.Ive informed police and they said they're aware of it.PLEASE. Lock up your bikes with a minimum of two good chains. I use Almax chains (biggest I can find) and I still don't leave my bike in public car parks.I can't stress this enough. More bikes will be stolen in the coming weeks. Lock them up. If you can, don't stay overnight before your ferry, just arrive and hop straight on.When you reach the Isle of man you are safe.England is very very bad for motorcycle theft. A man was murdered this week by a 16 year old boy who wanted to steal his moped. Not an s1000rr, not an R1... He was murdered for a moped (London).If you know anything about the s1000rr please PM me. Otherwise, please share awareness with anyone you know visiting the TT.Safe trip guys. I wish I was joining you! via /r/motorcycles

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