Saturday 13 April 2019

Yet another reminder to wear your gear

I'm guilty, bois.Yesterday morning I crashed wearing only gloves and a helmet (and work clothes). Was on my way to work, long story short; spun up the rear and ended up in a fairly substantial highside where I went way over the handlebars. Wearing a fucking shirt and regular jacket. I was running late to work, and my car (that I would take normally) had no petrol.Landed on my side and did a few tumbles, straight up on my feet. Bike hit a parked car. Massive pain all over my body. Heavily contused pelvis. Out of pocket a shit load of money for the dudes car and my fucked up ZX6R.So, take my dumbass decisions as advice, believe me, you really should."But I'm too experienced to crash", - no you're not. I ride on track every other week even on this bike."Short journey only", - I crashed within 50 feet of my house."I have really good tyres/bike/blah", - I was running the best tyres money can buy (SC1) on a well maintained bike."I am running late to work", - so was I, now I'm not running at all. Or walking."I know my bike", - I regularly track this bike, and I can ride the absolute wheels off it. Still happened."Well, I normally wear gear", - so do I, in fact I usually wear full race gear on rides even on the road.​Don't mean to come across preachy, but please guys wear your gear. Struggling to your feet after a gearless crash wondering if that pain in your back is broken vertebrae is REALLY not fun.I'll be honest with ya, it was my own arrogance that put me down the road. But if I can use my (albeit shit) example of a crash to get just 1 of you guys to wear a back protector (etc) it's worth it to me.​Guys, it really COULD happen to you - and you'll not see it coming. Please gear up all the time. via /r/motorcycles

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