Saturday 5 January 2019

What happened to your first motorcycle?

A few months ago I graduated from my first bike, a 250cc Mash, to my new baby, a Vulcan S. I wanted to keep my old bike just for the sentimental value, but I'm second guessing that decision now. Its not registered anymore so I can't take it on the road and its just been collecting dust and rust, its a bit sad to see her wither away like that. A buddy of mine has been talking about wanting to ride as well recently and we talked about him maybe buying her off me, this way she'd atleast still be around and in the hands of someone I know. Then again, I might regret it later in life. Last year, my dad bought the same model as his first bike, just for nostalgia's sake. If/when I ever get to that point it'd be nice to still have the actual original bike, which is a thought that also keeps me hesitant about selling.So, what happened to your first bike? You still have it? Sold it? Did you regret getting rid of it? What are your stories? via /r/motorcycles

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