Sunday, 21 October 2018

Student Project to impliment VR in learning to ride a motorcycle.

I'm a student at Purdue University. In our class of "design thinking in technology"  my group and I were tasked to develop a solution for problems that can be found around campus and the surrounding area. We chose the issue of motorcycle safety on campus, and our goal is to integrate Virtual Reality into the basic riders course by combining a Virtual Reality headset with a stationary motorcycle "mount." Our goal is to make participants to feel more comfortable when they begin to ride an actual motorcycle in the controlled class environment. It would benefit us greatly if any of you would answer a few short questions regarding the Issue.What would be some foreseeable drawbacks of using Virtual Reality when learning to ride?One advantage of Virtual Reality simulations is that real world examples of hazards and accident avoidance techniques can be accurately programmed and practiced repeatedly without physical danger to the rider or bike. Do you believe that this would increase the confidence of the Students, and could lead to more motorcyclists passing the final tests and receiving their endorsement?Do you believe that Virtual Reality simulations of motorcycle riding could reduce the amount of Motorcycles damaged, and motorcycle related injuries during the Basic Riders Course?If you had the opportunity to participate in a virtual reality riding simulation when you were learning to ride do you think it would be beneficial? What are some things you'd like implemented in a VR riding course that would better prepare you for a BRC or riding a motorcycle for the first time?Thank you again for taking the time to read and answer the questions. via /r/motorcycles

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