Monday, 20 August 2018

Difference in tire feel/input between traction limit and running out of tire?

Was chasing down a friend on my 701 and had an interesting experience this weekend at Thunderhill, on the turn 5 exit. In most situations where the rear breaks loose in a turn it's a fairly smooth feeling of the ass-end washing out. This time, however, it was more of a choppy/bouncy/bumpy stutter as it started to slide out. I was pretty sure I was pushing the boundaries of the tire's edge b/c I was dragging the footpeg at that point (1st time on the sumo). The racer behind me said they've never seen my bike get that low before and thought I was showing off (no, it was 100% a pucker moment). Now I'm just wondering if I need to add this sensation to my list of bike inputs to know when I need to get my body lower or if it was likely just an anomaly due to conditions. Thoughts?It was 100* out with 160/60 Supercorsa SC2's @30PSI hot in the rear. Pic of wear seems to indicate pressure and suspension are on point via /r/Trackdays

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