Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Honda Shadows a VTX and sanity

This is probably better posted in r/Cruisers but I'm on r/motorcycles - locked down and wanting to add my cycle story.As I said, I'm just wanting to talk about my motorcycle experiences and hopefully spur on some others to add their cycling memories to help get through this lock down.So here goes. (Green Text this if you prefer)Flash back to the late 70's, a young city-raised desperado without a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out. Find a two-stroke RD-350 Yamaha for a dollar per CC, buy it with a months gas station pay. Ride that fast little pecker on the highways, byways and even trails.Join the USAF and haul that bike wherever you go, get married and ride it two up without a front brake for 600 miles round trip in the Mojave Desert. Smell the lemons south of Bakersfield.Go overseas for a remote tour and get home only to find out the damned thing has been stolen.Have a son who you lose too early so you buy a Suzuki GS650GLZ and ride solo round trip from L.A. to St. Louis in an attempt to drown yourself in your own mind, don't worry about the wild horses you almost ran into surrounded by an east Texas nighttime fog.Spend 20 plus years in Uncle Sugars Air Force and retire.Have back surgery twice in nine days, be told you'll not walk again so you sell your bike but not after looking at the doctors shoes and say to yourself "You'll walk again and when you do you'll get some of those fancy doctor shoes and a motorcycle".Learn the wheelchair, the walker and the crutches. Don't leave out the cane.Start walking, get some balls and ride a bicycle.Buy the Yamaha twin of the Suzuki, ride it down the road with odors in the air you can't detect when in a car. Feel like you did when you had the RD350. Like you were 23 again.Find out that there's motorcycles for sale online, search what you're looking for and another world opens up.Buy a Honda Aero 750, lie awake in bed every night wondering what streets to ride, what byways to explore. Buy every luggage piece that'll make your next trip more enjoyable and memorable.Skip on down the road several thousand miles and buy a VT1100C, buy some more storage because the miles and trips are getting longer. Sell the 750 Aero to your best friend, your brother, only to watch him dump it 30 miles from the nearest town.Find another VT1100C at a great price, the other half needs to have their own bike, right?Get the Aero back free - one accident is enough. Teach the better half to ride on that wonderful little retro machine. I think I'm good at teaching motorcycle riding skills or so she says. She did great so I'll believe her.Buy a VTX1800RetroI'm not pretending to be a writer and my story was more for myself but if I sparked a memory I'd love to hear yours.BTW, I'm just a simple 60 year old dude from St. Louis with a love of riding the blacktops and having conversations with those I meet along this road we call life.I hope we meet someday. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/girczq/honda_shadows_a_vtx_and_sanity/?utm_source=ifttt

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