Saturday 9 May 2020

Ever have a false, weird, slips to Neutral, or bad shift off a light and stall it? Apparently it means you must learn to ride.

It apparently also makes me an asshole. Enough of one for a driver to aggressively pull up next to me and yell at me to learn to ride while flipping me off and calling me an asshole.I think he was mad that he decided to accelerate off the light without looking or without any patience. He was mad he almost rear-ended me. Were I a car he would have probably told me to learn to drive.Ever happen to you?Hopefully if you're in the driver's position you don't bomb up on a rider on their right and yell at them. It was a little bit of a startle. Had I actually needed to learn to ride and been newer I might have made a worse mistake or drifted into him when I looked absolutely right.If this guy is reading this and is a rider also... think before acting when behind the wheel of a two ton vehicle. My bad for stalling. It's never happened to you surely./rantJust needed to share the moment and perhaps get reflections. Just one of those annoyances that didn't need to go down that way. I get it that I don't know how that guys day was going down but the same goes for him and my day.I guess the point is give people space and patience. We're all going through some shit right now. via /r/motorcycles

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