Sunday 26 April 2020

New underwear needed.

I was raised religious. I became an atheist around 12 years old, and have been that way since. My first bike was bought at the age of 18, literally a decade ago. Crashed it 2 months later when a lady ran a stop sign when I was 20 feet from the intersection and had no time to react. It was totaled, left leg nothing but cuts, and a broken back.Last week I got a new bike (I’ve been doing track stuff, but ultimately stayed off the road so no comments about it being too much bike). A 2002 Yamaha R6. I love it.Today I went for a ride that ended up turning into a night ride. I did everything. Some city/town driving, some mountain twisties, and ended it with a trip on the palisades. About 2 miles before my exit, doing about 75mph, I see something weird. It looks like a group of people standing in the road. Now at this time I’m completely by myself, the nearest car was about a quarter mile back. I think to myself it’s just some weird mirage or the gunk on my visor. I get closer (maybe 80 feet from the “mirage”) and realize “oh shit, that’s a bunch of deer, I’m gonna die”.I grab a handful of front brake to slow down the best I could, summon the super saiyan within me, time slows down, and somehow I manage to thread the needle and pass between (best guess) about 11 deer that seemed to part the way Moses parted the Red Sea.I’m safe and the bike is safe.I do not know/believe there is a god, surely with all I’ve done, if there is one I’d be the last he would help out, but what I do know, is that I need some new underwear.Edit:corrected my fat finger 800 feet to 80 feet via /r/motorcycles

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