Saturday 14 March 2020

Things you hate/dislike about motorcycles/Riders

We can all talk about all we love about bikes. But what do you not like about riders, riding culutres, bikes, etc.Mine are pretty small.I don't like that toll fees and parking fees are the same amount for something that uses less road/takes up more space. How is it that a big ol long bed pick up truck pays the same as me who takes up a fourth or 5th of the space.I dislike ATGATT preachers. I'm sure everyone knows the risks. I wear mild gear( Kevlar lined jeans, kevlar lined hoodie or shirts, and a full face, gloves, etc) But then you have these forums where people post a pic of a 3/4 helmet, or riding without a jacket, etc. and these ATGATT preachers start bombarding the comment sections with "You must like road rash..... Must not like your face..... I'd rather sweat the bleed"The fact that we are a smaller population means that our subculutres have more impact to the general public. i.e. stunt riders stopping traffic while drifting and wheeling at intersections making people mad at ALL bikes. Or the strong tough guy harley culture making those who like the actual machine and not the culture feel out of place.Finally, cleaning chains. via /r/motorcycles

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