I live in an apartment complex and some guy who owns a loud Harley type bike has spent 5-10 minutes loudly reving it before driving off at 5am the past couple days.Does he HAVE to sit around reving it to warm up the engine or something (70F outside, not like it's freezing), or can he just start the engine and drive off like a normal human being? If his bike really does need to be warmed up, then couldn't he just let it idle?I'm not knockin the guy for owning a loud bike and having to go somewhere at 5am - it's not that hard to fall back to sleep after the ignition. It's the 10 minutes of obnoxiously loud reving that forces me (and presumably everyone in the surrounding buildings) to lay awake until douche-nozzle decides he's done getting off to the sound. Is that what he's doing? I need to know before the pitchfork comes out.And no I'm not a grumpy old neighbor. I actually like the sound during the daytime and have an exhaust cutout myself. It's just, you know, 5AM. Save the revving for the road or go to an empty store parking lot or something. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/fpuxh0/is_it_necessary_to_rev_your_bikes_engine_for_10/?utm_source=ifttt
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