Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Down she went

My story- I was in a motorcycle accident on 10/5/19. Wearing a helmet, gloves, jeans, t-shirt, backpack with a sweatshirt in it and steel toe leather boots.Only wound was to my left lower leg. Open tib/fib fracture, 4 broken metatarsals, degloved my big toe, and a handful of other small broken and displace bones in my foot. Basically just crushed my foot between the bike and a guardrail. Not a scratch on my helmet and no road rash.Riding in the left lane taking a right curve doing about 35 mph. I look to my right and see a kid looking at his phone instead of driving. He then tried to come into my lane to go around a car in his lane and never saw me next to him. I avoided a collision but in my swerve I got too wide into the corner and the bike washed out on gravel on the side of the road. I low sided/ slid 3ft into the guardrail and bounce back out into the road. Traffic stopped. Homeboy kept on driving oblivious to what he had done. I lift my leg and my foot is just hanging by the meat. Two different bones sticking out of 2 places. I picked up my foot and scooted to the side of the road to wait for an ambulance.A week in ICU, a week in Trauma, a 2 month stay in the hospital. 14 debridement surgerys. A metal plate on my tibia, a pin in my toe, a skin graft, and now a cast 4.5 months later after having the hardware removed because of the infection. Foot still broken, Dr is worried about infection still. I’m on 3 different antibiotics and 2 of them are IV.This is where I’m at now. Broken leg that won’t heal. Broken foot still because why fix the foot if we have to cut it off. I’ll know more in 3 weeks if my leg isn’t healing it might go bye bye.Xray pics- https://i.imgur.com/WZm7CvQ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/r1oRsJ1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/kiV941O.jpgTLDR- wrecked, broke my leg. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/f6427t/down_she_went/?utm_source=ifttt

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