Tuesday, 11 February 2020

A post that isn't morbid: 6100 miles in 18 days on a Monster; the stats

I'm on mobile so apologies for crap formatting if it looks wonky. Doing my best here. This trip happened in July 2018 and I wasn't on Reddit at the time. Started in Portland Oregon, worked my way over to Minnesota through Idaho, Wyoming, and South Dakota. Then down to the Grand Canyon back through SD, Colorado, and Utah. Up though Nevada just past Death Valley into Yosemite and back up to Oregon. From Idaho to Minnesota my dad rode along on his Harley Dyna; but the rest was all solo. I wrote longer posts on a different forum, if anyone is interested I'll link them. Plenty of photos on my Instagram, which I linked directly to my favorite shot of the trip. Feel free to ask questions, I'm happy to answer!https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk6eX0HAnd9/?igshid=1l4zlwwnt0w6Total miles: 6113.8Percentage of riding NOT done on interstates: 75%Most miles between gas stops: 172Gas mileage: 48.2Number of national parks hit: 6Number of tires replaced: 1Number of break downs: 0Miles ridden off pavement: 200+Total days: 18Nights camped: 5Number of buffalos seen: 2 herds, at least 100 individualsNumber of deer seen: over 20Coldest temperature ridden in: 36FHottest temperature ridden in: 106FStrongest wind ridden in: 70+mph, with heavy rainNumber of bears seen: 0Number of antelope seen: 20+Favorite national forest: Inyo and Big HornFavorite national park: all of themHighest elevation reached: approximately 12,000ftNumber of mosquito bites: approximately 25Average miles per riding day: 400Minutes spent in front of a TV: 0Favorite towns: Leadville, CO, Hurricane, UT, Truckee, CAFavorite state to ride through: COBiggest regret: no time for ZionNumber indicating if I would do it again: 10/10Summary: coolest thing I’ve ever done but I wish I could’ve spent a week in every national park and forest. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/f2kzjo/a_post_that_isnt_morbid_6100_miles_in_18_days_on/?utm_source=ifttt

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