Saturday, 4 January 2020

Tell me a story about a cager? A GOOD story.

I've done my share (and your share, and her share, and their share, I've done a LOT) of minging and whining about stupid things that people in cars/trucks/vans/SuVs do.I've spend almost no time lauding the people in those 4,000 lb monsters who've helped keep my dopey ass alive just by being awake. Or patient. Or cool. Or kind.I've got a bunch of stories about the good folks, now that I'm really thinking about it, but here's a short one:I ran out of gas in a fairly residential neighborhood that I grew up pretty near. No big deal, about a block and a half up, there's a gas station on a 4-lane road with a sidewalk, I can walk this sucker there, lickety split. So the first thing I have to do is make a left turn, and as I'm walking my bike across the crosswalk, a silver minivan pulls up.... (By this point, I've got my helmet off.)Basically, my mom, circa....1996? pulled up about 90 seconds after my rocketship on wheels spluttered and died. No idea where she came from. She asks me what's wrong and I tell her, she says she heard me downshift and then "she just crapped out!" (which almost cripples me) and asks if there's anything she can do. Nah, it's just up the street, I'm just going to walk up the sidewalk. Am I sure? Yeah, it's only, like, a couple hundred yards, I'll be good! (But thank you for making me laugh so hard I snotted on myself a bit!)But I was not good. At least, not supergood.As I turned left toward the sidewalk, I realized that there was no rampy-curby-thing to roll my bike up, it was just a hard curb. Not that THAT mattered, though, as the sidewalk beyond looked like it'd been transplanted straight out of Berlin in December-ish of 1943, with no maintenance done since. Ok, so we're taking the road. And it's not a particularly quiet road, so we're picking a red light down the way, and we're running. No time like the present...So I'm running my bike up the road & I'll be damned if the lady in the minivan hasn't gone across the road, done a U-turn, and was now following me with her hazards on. Followed me running ("running"? Bikes are heavy...) to the gas station, gave me a little beep, and went on her way.Good cager stories...(Next up, I met the coolest man on the planet once. He was driving a maroon Chrysler.) via /r/motorcycles

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