Monday, 20 January 2020

My coworker loves telling me about motorcycle crashes

What it says in the title. Ever since I started riding in November, this one coworker has repeatedly singled me out on my lunch break (when I have headphones in!) to give me graphic details of some friend's fatal crash 20 years ago. If it's not a crash anecdote then it's an extremely general overview of the risks of motorcyling: "you know, you're not that visible to other drivers!"All my coworkers had something to say when I first showed up on the bike, which was fine. I admit that I enjoyed the commotion it caused, just a little. Most of them had some horror stories to tell, but only once. Now it's just "be careful out there!" which I don't mind at all.But this guy just keeps coming after me. The part that bothers me the most is that he tells me his vague and general motorcycle safety facts as if educating me on the subject for the first time. As a young woman, having a 40 year old non-rider repeatedly lecture me on helmets is... off-putting. I hate to say it, but I think this crosses into mansplaining territory.What's worse is that I work at my family's business, and he makes similar comments to my mother. I'm 22 and she respects my choice, but of course it worries her. It pisses me off that this guy is heaping on her stress for no reason. He made an offhanded comment to me about "don't you kill yourself riding back to school!" and her face just fell. That hurt to watch.I don't know if there's really anything I can do about it. I can't afford to get snarky with another employee since I'm part of the owner's family. I'm not angry at the guy; I think his behavior comes from genuine anxiety over my safety. Mostly I just want to vent a little bit. Do any of you have well-intentioned safety evangelists in your lives? via /r/motorcycles

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