Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Boot suggestions?

Just got myself a bike. Now I need some boots... I don't need specific suggestions (otherwise I would have put it in the buyers thread) but I'm just wondering what KIND of stuff you wear day to day?I use it for transport and commuting, so I want to look normal when I go places. I don't really want to be walking around in biking boots all day at the mall, you know? Sort of considering getting a top box or panniers? Chuck my shoes in there, and change when I arrive?I guess I have the same problem with gear in general. I don't know. I've never owned a bike before, I'm dealing with the practicality of it for the first time. I'm trying to find a sensible middle ground between making sure I have the correct protective gear vs not going to EVERY social event just wearing my textiles... via /r/motorcycles

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