Monday, 30 December 2019

My Terrifying Motorcycle Crash @ 18 y/o

5 weeks ago I got my first motorcycle after passing me MSF & getting my endorsement in Florida. Decided my first bike would be a Yamaha R6, I had no experience riding a motorcycle besides the course when I bought it. As a kid I’ve always wanted a motorcycle, I’d be on my bicycle acting like a motorcycle flying past and doing knees on roundabouts lol.Being in South Florida is very rough riding, I put 3000 miles in 3 weeks and boy did I love my new bike. It grabs attention, it’s comfortable, and it takes off. I’ve been in about 20+ close calls on my bike where I could have been seriously injured or killed within those 3 weeks of riding. I’ve avoided every single one and tend to think I can maneuver the bike great for a new rider.I bought the bike knowing at some point I could possibly die, be it my stupid adrenaline junkie-self or some oblivious driver in South Florida. Safe to say it was an oblivious driver who caused me to wreck.I was doing some riding around town at night (6ish) sporting my new Santa clause helmet cover 2 weeks ago. After an hour of riding, I was going down a road w/ traffic all behind me. It was a bit dark and I noticed headlights coming from a parking lot on my right. I saw the car was still rolling and had no intention of stopping so I flashed my high beams, the vehicle still didn’t slow down so I started easing off the throttle and apply slight breaks. The driver rolls past a stop sign, goes across 3 lanes of traffic the slowest way possible. It was like he owned the road and no one else was on it, I’m coming down the road and didn’t have enough time to stop and flew into his driver side rear corner in the furthest left lane (3rd lane). He essentially blocked all paths of avoided the accident and I had no time to react properly. I flew into his rear windshield and after blacking out during impact, I immediately gain consciousness while I’m on top of his car. The pain immediately set into my nuts which unfortunately went straight into my gas tank and left quite a dent on it. As I’m on the car I grab my nuts in pain, notice I’m still moving (didn’t know I was on top of his car) and I roll off the car thinking I’m still flipping on the road or something. That’s when I noticed I messed up and started tumbling down the road screaming in pain for a good minute (no more kids I guess). I came out of the accident w/ minor road rash, a serious bruise on my thigh, 2 weeks of pain on my kneecaps (still healing and can bend my leg better now), as well as a laceration on my dick lol.I’d live to finish this wild story off w/ fuck Florida drivers, especially distracted ones who don’t know how to speak English. I’ll be back riding eventually via /r/motorcycles

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