Friday, 20 December 2019

I had my license for 12 years, and 2 weeks ago I got my first bike.

I was the best decision ever I god damn love it. Tonight I went for my first ride alone and I'm hype. My BF has been following me on his bike while I learned how to ride, how to use gears and a clutch.Then I posted here for help and everyone was lovely. I got some great advice. I've been doing engine breaking, I'm getting smoother on the clutch, less stalls.When I was 12 I rode a pocket bike after becoming obsessed with bikes. But I never had the money, or the time, or the real true desire to get a bike and actually learn to ride it.I get home from work every day and hope it's nice enough to ride. I'm so hype from my first solo trip, I showed my best friend my bike. It was such a dope day.I cant wait to ride more. 3 weeks off work for xmas and I will be out as much as I can. Hooray! For achieving childhood dreams. via /r/motorcycles

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