Tuesday, 26 November 2019

I had to lay 'er down

I hate this. So you crashed to avoid a crash, that was your plan? You decided that sliding down the road, definitely tearing up body and bike, was better than being seated on the bike operating the controls and possibly not even wrecking?Which has a higher coefficient of friction, the rubber of your tires or some metal bit on the side of your bike? Hint, it's the rubber.Also, if you lay 'er down, you probably locked up a wheel and low sided.Your best bet is to avoid the accident, by either braking heavily or swerving. These are things you need to practice.Or failing that, hit whatever as slowly as possible.When shit goes off the rails, you don't have time to plan, you pretty much react. You will revert to training. So train max braking and swerving around an object in your path.In summary, not crashing is better than crashing. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/e1xwnv/i_had_to_lay_er_down/?utm_source=ifttt

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