Friday 25 October 2019

This guy in a car fake left turned on me!

I’m slowing approaching a red light. I’m about 800 feet from the intersection and a car had already crossed the intersection and is coming the opposite direction as me. He has his left turn signal on and is stopped waiting for me to pass. Just as I about get to him he make an exaggerated jerk to the left with the wheel and actually starts the turn by a couple of feet. He laughs and waves like haha I got you type wave.There is no doubt he was fucking with me and wanted me to think he was going to turn in front of me. I was blown away and beyond pissed.It was so hard, but I just kept riding. I didn’t flip him off or chase him down. We know we don’t win those battles but, I’d like to see him try that with most other bikers. I don’t think he would have faired so well.Have you guys ever had anything like this happen? via /r/motorcycles

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