Wednesday 23 October 2019

Low-sided at Mid-Ohio on Monday, any clues from the tire wear??

I low-sided in the carousel at Mid-Ohio a couple days ago and not sure why. Fortunately, the bike and I came out with only minor scratches/bruises, but I'm interested to hear what the tire-gurus on this sub think the cause could have been.I don't have on-board footage but I'll describe what I think happened. I ride at a faster Novice pace and was not pushing it very hard that day due to it being a relatively cool (upper 60's and sunny) and working with an instructor on my lines. It was towards the end of the second lap of the 3rd session (around 2pm - so the track had some time to warm), I was settled in the middle of the long sweeping right turn, just giving maintenance throttle, when the rear seemed to slide out suddenly. I wasn't making any body/steering inputs (that I'm aware of) at the time. It's a relatively tight/slow corner.I was running Dunlap Q3's with 2 previous track days on them, 2016 date code rear, 2015 date code front, 30psi cold pressure front and rear. I will say my suspension setup is questionable and I am planning to get some expert help dialing it in before next season. Is there anything from the images or my description that would explain why I would have lost grip? Any help is greatly appreciated!​Processing img z4b1nt7b3eu31... via /r/Trackdays

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