Gotta say, my SO and I 1,300 km on our bike before winter and I’ve had a blast. I haven’t really noticed drivers doing anything out of the ordinary considering I always drove my car defensively. See the same stupid shit regardless of what I drive simply because, I’m looking for it. Just a difference in handling.Today, I spotted a cat standing on a sidewalk eyeballing cars. Figure it’s a city cat, it knows what it’s looking for. Perfect opening. I slowed down well in advance, waited for the cat and sure enough it decides to go in the last second for my room to break. ABS kicked in, whole lot more comfortable on a bike than a car in my opinion. Beyond this, no real close calls. Only consider that one for the cats sake.Sure, people do dumb stuff like pull up beside of you and realize they missed their turn. Typical inch forward, get their tire close to the line. I can’t beat em and I know what they’re focused on so, I leave space and wave/nod em through.I just get out to enjoy the ride, I don’t necessarily drive like people are out to kill me. Just sounds too negative. I drive with the mentality people just aren’t paying attention or, just having a bad day. Just respond to the situations in a correct manner and I’m on my way. I’ve gone through busy city streets and some country roads and I enjoy them equally. Actually able to explore the city far better on a bike and I always hated cities, now I can appreciate it some!Now I’m prepping for winterizing and kinda sad. Fun just started with it.Just wanted to share my enjoyment of the road with two wheels.Anyone have recent experiences before the winter sets in? Looking forward to spring? via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/dkaa1n/enjoying_my_bike/?utm_source=ifttt
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