Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Beautiful evening in the vineyard.

Minutes before this photo was taken, as a new rider, I dropped er. I’ve had the vstrom for about a month - ride daily to work. Never had an issue, really comfortable on it.Well today, after work, I decided to take the dl650 up the winery road atop the vineyard in the dirt. No problems! Then I notice the beautiful view and decide I just have to pose the bike and take a photo. What I didn’t consider was that I had parked it facing a downhill slope. So the second the kickstand went down, the bike just progressed forward and rolled off the stand (in neutral). Couldn’t manage it and down she went. Didn’t have a problem getting er back up. Went through the motions of what everyone’s ever told me and I handled it fine.But boy was I sad on the way home. Not too much damage; crash bars took all of it except for a little snap of the left signal. I guess I had to have my first time.. and I’m glad that I did it in soft dirt.. but boy am I kinda sad! via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/dfb353/beautiful_evening_in_the_vineyard/?utm_source=ifttt

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