Sunday, 6 October 2019

Another Moto3 race, another instance of Darryn Binder being a completely irresponsible idiot.

But of course I'm sure we'll hear people say that it wasn't his fault. Just a racing incident that Mr. Divebomb doofus Binder cut in front of Canet, and caused his 8 crash of the season involving other riders. Once it's an incident. Twice is a coincidence. 8 times is someone who doesn't know how to race fairly. Unbelievable that he's being defended by the commentators.

But of course I'm sure we'll hear people say that it wasn't his fault. Just a racing incident that Mr. Divebomb doofus Binder cut in front of Canet, and caused his 8 crash of the season involving other riders. Once it's an incident. Twice is a coincidence. 8 times is someone who doesn't know how to race fairly. Unbelievable that he's being defended by the commentators.

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