Wednesday 23 October 2019

A love letter to veteran riders from a newbie

Last year for my birthday, my boyfriend bought us Sena headsets so we could gab while he rode his Vespa with me on my chinese 150 scooter. This year, he found handlebar risers for my new-to-me SV650 so I’d be comfortable riding with him on his Yamaha RD. He’s the only person in my life who supports my riding habit.I want to show my appreciation for everyone who’s slowed to give out pointers, tips, or tricks to newbies. Any of you who’ve successfully infected your friends or family with the love of motorcycles? You fucking ROCK.All y’all BRT instructors? You’re doing god’s work. Keep it up.All of your non-riding loved ones who support your hobby (or at least don’t actively patronize you for it) deserve gold medals. They’re a rare and precious breed.I’ve wanted to learn to ride more than I’ve wanted ANYTHING. When I got endorsed (US) two years ago, nobody I knew was happy about it. We know it’s dangerous. We know the risks. We’re going to do it anyway because we need to. I found myself having to negotiate well-intentioned confrontations all the time from family and friends.But now? I’ve finally found my people.I picked out my first bike last spring not long after we first met, and he cheered. He test-rode it for me in the rain. I dropped it for the first time in a parking lot and broke the front brake lever off. He showed me how to fix it.We’ve done endurance races, tiny-bike track days, two-stroke rides, solo adventures. I’ve met so many incredible people and so many awesome riders.None of us are here by happenstance. This is our passion.As a new rider, your support as experienced veterans is invaluable, not to mention worth its weight in gold for our confidence. Take that moto intern-to-be that every single one of us knows, and keep helping them find their path. I’ve never had more fun in my goddamned life.Thank you. via /r/motorcycles

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