Wednesday 4 September 2019

To my A+ Group Riders & Racers - How did you learn to get on the gas?

For context: I've been riding track (slow end of fast group) and racing occasionally for 1-2 years now. I ride an '09 600 (no TC/no ABS/no electronics).I can hold a decent pace at most places. I have a fair amount of corner speed, and braking/trail braking is somewhat competitive. I'm not getting blown out most of the time in these areas.My weakest area seems to be getting on the gas after the apex of a corner. I always seem to lose a faster rider on corner exit when following them.I'll see guys with their knee down practically weaving in and out of the race line to pass while on the gas accelerating away and it blows my mind.Do you just keep getting on the gas harder and harder after the apex until your bike starts sliding to find the limit?Also, can you pretty much go full throttle on a 600cc sportbike with your knee down (I know it's different for everyone, but assuming decent BP as an indicator of lean angle) after the apex...? via /r/Trackdays

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