Monday 9 September 2019

Thinking of quitting riding but i don’t know if im being too quick to the decision

Just today, i was riding to work when i saw a dog running loose, so i went to help the people trying to catch her. this made me almost half an hour late to work and in the remaining 15 minutes of my commute, i lowsided my bike. Twice. the first was around a turn, and the second was through a round about. i wasn’t going particularly fast. almost 10 mph under what i normally go but still. i was able to finish my commute but my handlebars are angled to the side and my muffler was gone. it’s my first real crash but not my first time going down. people always say “yeah riding is dangerous but we take the risk because we love it” but honestly, i feel nothing from riding. it’s just another mode of transport to me that i’m afraid of. people pull out in front of us, switch lanes into us, and anything that’s not concrete is dangerous to ride on. I don’t find any fun in riding, and i never really have. i’m thinking about fixing my bike the best i can and selling it to buy a car. does anyone have experiences similar? what did you do and how did it turn out? via /r/motorcycles

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