Tuesday 24 September 2019

I finally understand countersteering.

New rider here. I've had a lisence for 6 weeks and a Honda Shadow 750 for 4.Before I even set my ass on a motorcycle seat, I'd commuted on a bicycle for over 4 years, so I was very comfortable on two wheels. The thing in my MSF course (and all over the internet for that matter) that made absolutely no sense to me was countersteering.Why in the hell would I turn my handlebars AWAY from where I wanted to go to get there? I knew from being on my bicycle that I could just lean to turn with no conscious input to the handlebars, so that's what I did on my motorbike too. It worked fine for the riding test, and since we never got much above 20mph in the course, I never did anything else and I never grasped the concept of countersteering at all.Cut to 2 days ago.I've been taking short trips around town on familiar roads with my new to me, 2003 Honda Shadow (which weighs at LEAST 100 pounds more than the 2019 Suzuki VanVan I took my BRC on), and getting comfortable in the saddle. It finally feels like it's time to take the bike to my house instead of my parent's. It's a 40 minute ride down rural 55mph roads (the fastest I've gone yet is 50 on a straightaway) with a few minor twisties in the mix, but I think I'm ready. I geared up and got on the road.Going down a long 55mph straightaway with no cars in sight, I saw a small pothole far ahead. I decided to get in the right tire track on the lane to avoid it, and since I had 7 or 8 seconds to spare, I thought I would try to countersteer.Holy shit.I turned the bars to the left and the bike dipped right 3 times faster that I ever could have done by leaning alone. It was so responsive to my input that I was exactly where I wanted to be in the lane almost instantly. I guess the physics of countersteering really don't make themselves obvious until your wheels have a strong gyroscopic force going, at higher speed.My advice to anyone unclear or doubtful of the subject like I was is to get rolling to about 60 on a safe and empty road, and turn the bars a bit left before leaning right. That split second of wind and gravity explained what HOURS of instruction and personal research could not.I fear to admit, but I'm hooked for life.Safe travels friends, shiny side up. via /r/motorcycles https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/d8vttl/i_finally_understand_countersteering/?utm_source=ifttt

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